Marketplace Survey: 2024
You’ve probably seen them around. You might even use them in your B2B strategy. Digital marketplaces – a "digital mall" where brands become discoverable to retailers.
But, do retailers like interacting with brands this way? Do they really help retailers grow?
We surveyed the retailers themselves to see what they thought about digital marketplaces. And to be honest, the research shows that retailers aren’t huge fans…
See the data yourself and learn exactly how retailers are feeling when it comes to using a digital marketplace to connect with their brands.

We asked retailers:
Why do you use NuOrder’s Marketplace or Emerald’s Digital Marketplace?
Do you prefer transactions to go through a digital marketplace over working directly with a brand?
Do you ever end up going direct with a brand that you initially found on a wholesale marketplace?
After you've read the research, get a demo of Envoy B2B
See how Envoy B2B can help your brand sell your season, digitally enable your reps, and streamline your wholesale channel.